8 Result For All


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About ABSIP ABSIP or The Association of Black Securities and Investment Professionals was formed to help combat the dearth of black professionals in the investment finance and securities sector, in addition to making a positive contribution to the economy. ABSIP, which was established in 1995, is one of the leading forces behind the transformation of the financial sector as it is affiliated with the Black Business Council (BBC). ABSIP’s membership includes both professionals with little experience in Financial Services as well as those with decades of experience. A wide range of sub-sectors are included in the companies’ membership including: Private Banking, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking, Retail Banking, Insurance, Asset Management, Corporate Finance, Employee Benefits, Private Equity, Stock Broking, Treasury and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), and Financial and Corporate Managerial Consulting.

Who can Apply:

Post Graduate Sudents
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Preference will be given to a student entering a PhD program as a new student to the University of Guelph. The recipient will be selected on the basis of previous academic performance, curriculum vitae, and letters of reference. Eligibility Full-time students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled in the School of Engineering.

Who can Apply:

Under Graduate Students
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Comprehensive list of all bursaries in south africa

Who can Apply:

Post Graduate Sudents
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A comprehensive list of all bursaries

Who can Apply:

Post Graduate Sudents
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Grants from AgriSETA

Who can Apply:

Post Graduate Sudents
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A list of all the Grants available under the BANKSETA

Who can Apply:

Post Graduate Sudents

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